I often have small business owners approach me to ask about writing a blog for their business. They have been told they “must” have one, but many don’t know how to go about it or even fully understand why they should add a blog to their already long list of things to do.
I usually give people five reasons that their business should have a blog, no matter what they offer, sell or produce.
Improved SEO
Search engine optimization or SEO is how people find your website. When people search the internet for information about your product or services, you want your website to be high among the search results, right?
Search engines like Google measure several factors instantaneously when someone enters search parameters. The search ‘spiders” look for sites that are most relevant to the search. Having high quality and quantity of content on your site gives the search engines a stronger indication that your site is relevant to the search.
Establishing industry leadership
Blogs are a way for you as a small business to show that you’re a leader in your industry. By discussing issues, news and developments in your industry, you can show that you’re the expert above your competitors. Just remember that posts don’t have to be profound to be thoughtful.
Online property ownership
One of the major benefits of a business blog it that your blog is one of the only properties you fully own. Just like your business’ website, a business blog is under your control. Other online platforms such as Facebook are ultimately out of your control in regards to content and audience reach.
Some businesses have newsletters, which you can also control. A newsletter list is another great asset, and business with a blog can tie that newsletter into the blog.
Brand accessibility
Your company is made up of human beings, not machines, so you should show it to the internet audience. Your blog can highlight employees, provide personal insights, and other glimpses into your company culture. Blogs help take away the “antiseptic feel” of a faceless corporation and helps show the humans behind the brand.
People do business with people, especially in small business. By using the blog to introduce people to your company culture, you are giving them interaction with people.
Marketing standard
Blogging is a current content marketing standard and for good reason. Marketers who have prioritized blogging are 13x more likely to enjoy positive return on interest. People have come to expect companies to engage them using blogs and social media. If you don’t keep up, it will give the perception that you don’t care.
As you’re looking at a blog for your small business, give me a call. I can train you or an employee to manage your blog, or my team and I can manage your blog for you.
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