If you clicked on this, you’re probably used to my ironic sense of humor and are looking to see the joke. This is no joke. I usually preach that pretty much every business would benefit from having a blog but today, I don’t want to talk about that. Today, I want to talk about who should not have a blog for their business or nonprofit organization.
You don’t want to grow your business
Wait! I’m not being snarky about this one. Blogging can help grow your business because of the search engine optimization benefits and because it helps set you apart from your competition. But what if you’re so busy that you can’t handle more business? Or what if you’re a solo entrepreneur like me and need to control your growth?
I’ve actually been there.
Yes, the person who teaches and preaches blogging for your organization had to stop blogging for my own business and I even took the blog out of my website’s main navigation. The posts were still there and searchable, but I didn’t call attention to them because I wasn’t updating the blog. I needed to stay under the radar while I dealt with life and business. Now, I’m slowly getting back to blogging for my business.
If you are wanting to control your growth, another option is to simply reduce the frequency of your blog posts. For example, instead of weekly, post every other week or monthly.
You can’t dedicate resources to making the blog successful
Blogs are an amazing tool that help connect you with the right people for your business or nonprofit. But they are not a free tool. You either need to dedicate the financial resources to outsourcing the blog posts, or find the resource of time to produce the blogs yourself.
Here’s why that’s an issue: If you start a blog and either don’t keep it up regularly (or at least semi-regularly), it will give the impression that you don’t care. It will show a failed attempt at marketing. It might even give the impression that you’re out of business if you go months upon months without updating.
I’m of the mind that any small business or nonprofit needs to find a way to have a blog as part of their overall marketing strategy but I’m also a realist. If you simply aren’t convinced yet and can’t or won’t dedicate the resources, then don’t start the blog until you’re ready.
Your website isn’t up-to-date
One of the biggest reasons to have a blog is to draw more eyes to your website where people can learn more about what you do and, more importantly, how you can solve their problems. But if your website is outdated, clunky to navigate, or missing information, then you need to get that fixed first. There\’s no need to draw attention to a bad website!
Need help?
Perhaps you’re not ready to dive into blogging just yet. I can still help you by writing updated copy for your website, or perhaps compose words for your brochure. Or, if you’re ready to dive into blogging, I can help with that too!